About Us

PERFUME.SUCKS is the fragrance collection of Swiss perfumer Andreas Wilhelm. For over 20 years, he created perfumes for brands around the world. Perfumes inflated with stories meant to entice us to buy, spread through massive marketing, shiny bottles, and luxurious packaging.


The actual content is mystified, and the ingredients are only vaguely described. For his own collection, Andreas insists on full transparency and nothing else! We let the scent tell the story.


Smell and tell your own story!



Our Attitude

A perfume stuns all the senses. A perfume creates an illusion. A fictional story that is told to you through the advertising images, the packaging, the bottle, and a mysterious liquid. You can no longer truly perceive the scent itself. It is overshadowed by this story. That's why we say: PERFUME.SUCKS.


Our mission is to focus on full transparency. Our recipes are common property, there for you to spread, hack, wear, and enjoy. Smell the story. And make it your own.


Our Mantra

We do not create perfume – perfume sucks!


We create alcoholic solutions. Sprayable. We choose raw materials. Sometimes they choose us. We put them together. We let them bond. There is no story. They are the story. Transparent. Written on the bottle. Open source. We let them speak. To you. To us. Raw materials. Synthetics. Naturals. Simple ones. Complicated ones. Ordinary ones. Together. United.